Legal Notices

CertiPhoto is developed and edited by Mr. Pascal Eric Mayani.
Head office : Les Algorithmes Thalès B, 2000 route des Lucioles, 06410 Biot Sophia Antipolis, France.
Registration number : 43823333000028.

The service is hosted in the French datacenters of Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL.
Head office : 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg.
Registration number : RCS Luxembourg B186284.

This site uses cookies only for forms processing. These cookies expire on the user's computer after a few minutes and are in no way used to analyze the behavior, habits or browsing history of users.

All databases are declared to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (CNIL, France), file number 1956075, in accordance with the law number 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Computers, files and liberties.

CertiPhoto's certification servers use a modified version of the iText API published by iText Group NV, under the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU). According to this license, the modified source code will be redistributed upon request.

CertiPhoto is an INPI registered trademark under number 4242179. The graphic charter of the site and the application, as well as their contents, are the exclusive property of the author. Any unauthorized reproduction by any person of any portion of this work may be a violation of the French Intellectual Property Code of France and Copyright Law of other countries.